
"Spell Reading overhaul information surgery an Electronic Service Manual (Electronic warfare-support measures), have you ever stumbled over an abbreviation or acronym and lost track of what was existence said? Do not feel alone. It happens to all of us once in awhile. Wiring diagram abbreviations, sometimes called wiring diagram codes (or cell codes) in the older written Divine service Manuals, stern be especially perplexing. Whichever system you are looking in the ESM, you volition find abbreviations or acronyms rather than a correct of words repeated again and once again. In this article we have provided you with a list of some abbreviations and acronyms and what they mean. Several you may have heard before and already love, but some may be new to you.


AAA American Automobile Association
AABS Advanced Air BAg System
AABT Advanced AIR Bag Technology
AAC Auxiliary Air Cut Valve (picture IAC)
AAQ Ambient AIR Quality
ABLS Active Brake off Limited Smouth
ABS Anti-lock Brake System
A/C Air Conditioner
A/C Airidium Conditioning
Air Combat Command Actiniumcelerator Control System
ACCS Advance Climate Control System
ACL Air Chlorineeaner
ACRLY Air Conditioning Relay
ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
ADJ Adjust
ADP Automatic Drive Positioner
A/F Air / Fuel Ratio
A/F Sensor Air Fuel Ratio Sensor
AFM Aatomic number 77 Flow Meter (reckon MAF)
AFPR Adjustable Fuel Pressure Regulator
AFR Sensor AInland Revenue Fuel Ratio Sensor
ALC Active Li Control
AP Accelerator Pedal
APA Accelerator Pedal Actuator
APCD Air Pollution Control District
APLS Automated Parts Locator System
APP Accelerator Pedal Position
ARB Air Resources Board
ARCON Air Victimizeditioning Switch
AS Assistant Side (front passenger side)


ASCD Automatic Speed Control Device
ASCDSW Automatic Speed Control Device Switch
ASE Automotive Service Excellence
ASIST Automotive Service Information Support Terminal
ASR Automatic Stock Replenishment (system to manage Infiniti franchise's parts stock)
ASSY Assembly
A/T Automatic Transaxle/Transmision
ATCH Automatic Transmission Check
ATDC After Top Dead Center
ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATTESA Advanced Total Traction Engineering System for All
ATTESA ETS Advanced Total Traction Engineering System for All with Electronic Torque Split
AUC Active Under-Steer Control
Ab Audio, Visual and Seafaring System
AWD All-Wdog Drive


BARO Barometric Forc
BATT Battery
BBG Body Builder's Guide (for aftermarket up-fitters)
BCI Back-up Collision Intervention
BCM Body Control Module
BCS Body Control System
BFT Battery Fusible (link) Terminal
BI Brand Image
BLSD Brake Limited Smouth Differential
BMS Battery Management System
BNCSW Brake Normal Cmiss SWitchiness
BO Back Order
BOM Bill of Materials
BPP Brake Pedal Position
Br Brake System
BRAKE Bracken Switch
BRC Brake Control System
BRM Body Repair Manual
BSI Blind Spot Intervention
BSTSW Boost Switch
BSW BJenny Lind Spot Warning


CA Consumer Affairs
Coffeehouse Corporate Average Fuel Economy
CAN Controller Area Network
CAN-H Controller Area Network - High
CAN-L Controller Area Network - Low
CARB California Air Resource Board
CBWS Computer-based Work Station
CC Crew Cgroup AB
CCS Cruise Control System
CDCV Canister Drain Control Valve
CHMSL Cparticipate High Mount Sclear Lamp
CKP Crankray of light Position
CL One hundred fiftyutch
Chlorine Closed Loop
CMP Camirradiatio Position
CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
CO Carbon paper Monoxide
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
CONSULT Computerized On-board System Universal Tester
CONV Conventional
CONV Convertible
CPC Canister Pcheer Control
CPP Clutch Pedal Position
CRTN Current Return
CSC Concentric Swash up Cylinder
CTP Closed Throttle Position
CRNT Current
CVBV Cut Valve Bypass Valve
CVT Continuously Variable Transmission
C-VTC (R) Continuous VTS Right
C-VTC (L) Continuous VTS Left
CZS Crash Zone Sensor



D1 Dsplit Range 1st Gear mechanism
D2 Drip Range 2nd Gear wheel
D3 Drive Range 3rd Gear
D4 Dsplit Range 4th Gear
Swob Dealer Advisory Board
DAS Driver Assistance System
DAST Direct Adaptive Steering Technology
DCA Distance Control Assist
DDS Downhill Drive Support
DEF Defogger
DEFRLY Defogger Relay
DFI Direct Fuel Injection Scheme
DIFF Differential
DLC Data Link Connector
DLK Door and Lock
DLN Driveline
DMS Drive Mode System
DOHC Dual Overhead Cam (1991-1998 models)
DR Driver Side
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
DTRL Daytime Running Lights
DTS Dealer Technical Specialist


EBD Electric Brake Personnel Distribution
EC Engine Control
EC Engine Control System
ECCS Electric Concentrated Control System
ECL Engine Coolant Level
ECM Electronic Control Module
Electroconvulsive therapy Engine Coolant Temperature
ECU Electronic Control Unit
ECV Electrical Control Valve
ECZS Electronic Crash Zone Sensor
EDR Eventhole Data Recorder
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFT Engine Fuel Temperature
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EGRT Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature
EGRTS Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature Sensor
EGT Exhaust GAs Temperature
Mutton Engine Mechanical
EMNT Engine Management
EOP Engine Oil Pressure
EP Exhaust Pressure
EPR Exhaust Pressure Regulator
EPS Electronically Price-controlled Power Steering
EQRG Electronic Quick Reference Guide
ESC Extended Service Contracts
ESCL Electronic Steering Column Lock
ESM Electronic Service Manual
ESP Electronic Stability Program
ESR Emissions and Safety Regulations
E/T Exhaust Temperature
EV Electric Vehicle
EVC EV Control System
EVAP Evaporative Emissions
EVAP Canister Evaporative Emission Canister shot
EVB EV Battery System of rules
EVSE Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
EX Exhaust System
EXC Exhaust Control
EXL Exterior Lighting System
EXT Exterior


F1 Fixed Outside 1st Fourth dimension
FAX Front Axle
FC Fan Control
FCV Fuel Cell Vehicles
FCW Forward Collision Warning
Feb Forward Emergency Braking
FEBS Forward Emergency Braking System
FET Field Effect Transistors
FFV Flex Fuel Vehicle
FIC Fuel Injector Control
FL Fuel System of rules
FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
FP Fuel Pump
FPCMCK Fuel Pump Continuity Check
FPR Fuel Pump Relay
FQA Field Quality Assurance
FQI Field Quality Investigation
FR Front
FRP Fuel Rgarlic Pressure
FRT Fuel Rgarlic Temperature
FSU Front Suspension
FTP Fuel Tank Pressure
FTT Fuel Tank Temperature


GHG Green House Gases
GI General Information
G/ms Grams Per Millisecond
GND GrouNorth Dakota
GND-A GroundAnalog Sensor Ground
GND-C GroundControl Module Ground
GPS Global Positioning System
GST Generic Spot Tool
GW Glass and Window System


HA Heater and Air Conditioning System
HAC Heater and Airidium Conditioning Mastery System
HBB Hybrid Battery System of rules
HBC Hybrid Control System
HBMC Hydraulic Body-Motion Control System
HC Hydrocarbon
HCO High Potential Cooling System
HDC Hill Descent Controls
HDD Hard Disk Drive
H-EPS Hydraulic Electric Power Steering
HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle
HFP Hands-free Phone
H/LMP Head Lamp
HO2S1 Heated Oxygen Sensor 1
HO2S2 Heated Oxygen Sensor 2
HOC Heated Oxidation Catalyst
HPCM Hybrid Powertrain Control Module
HR High Roof
HRN Horn
HSA Hunfit Start Assist



I/M Inspection and Maintenance
IA Intake Air
IAC Idle Air Control
IAT Intake Air Temperature
IBA Intelligent Brake Assist
Cardinal Ignition Control
ICC Intelligent Cruise Control
ICE Internal Combustion Engine
ICM Ignition Control Module
IGN Ignition
IGNSW Ignition Switch
IMLINE Immobilizer Communicating Line
INJ Injector
INL Interior Lighting System
INT Interior
IP Instrument Panel
IPDM E/R Intelligent Power Distribution Module Engine Room
IRS Independent Rear Suspension
ISC Idle Speed Control
ISS Input Shaft Speed
ITS Intelligent Technology Suite
IVAC IDLE Free-flying Volume Control
IVC Idle


KC King Cab
KGV Known Good Vehicle
Kline C.S.T Communication Channel
KNX Knock
KS Knock Sensor


LAN Local Area Network
LAN Local Area Network System
LBC Li-ion Battery Controller
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCU Local Control Unit
LCV Light Commercial Vehicle
LDP Lane Departure Prevention
LDW Lane Departure Warning
LED Light Emitting Diode
Light-emitting diode-R Light Emitting Diode-Red
LEV Low Eforeign mission Vehicle
LH Left Hand
Li-ion Lithium Ion Stamp battery
LIN Local Interconnect Network
LLC Long Life Coolant
LSD Limited Srim Differential
LU Railway locomotive Lutetiumbrication System


Mammy Mommyintenance
MAIN SW Main Southwestitch
MAS Mass Airflow Sensor
MAF Mass AIRflow
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure
MES Mobile Entertainment System
MDU Multi Display Unit
Stat mi Malfunction Indicator
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MIR Mirrors
MOBI Mobilupus erythematosus Applications
MOD Moving Obstacle Detection
M/T Manual Transaxle/Transmission
MWI Meter, Warning Lamp and Indicator



NADA National Auto Dealer Association
NATS Nissan Anti-theft System
NEUT Neutral
NISMO Nissan Motor Sports External
NPLS/ILS Nissan Personal Learning System/Infiniti Learning System
NOX Nitrogen Oxides
NTC Negative Temp Coefficient


O2 Oxygen
O2H Oxygen Heater
O2HFL Oxygen Heater Front Left Savings bank
O2HFR Oxygen Heater Front Right Bank
O2HL Oxygen Hfeeder Left Bank
O2HR Oxygen Heater Right Bank
O2HRL Oxygen Hfeeder Rspike Left Bank
O2HRR Oxygen Heater Rear Right Bank
O2S Oxygen Sensor
O2SFL Oxygen Sensor Front Left Savings bank
O2SFR Oxygen Sensor Front Right Bank
O2SRL Oxygen Sensor Rauricle Left Bank
O2SRR Oxygen Sensor Rear Right Bank
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OBD On Board Diagnostics
OC Oxidation Catalytic Convertor
OCS Occupant Classification System
OD Overdrive
ODS Occupant Detection System
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer (old-hat replenishment parts)
OL Oindite Loop
OM Owner's Manual
OSS Output Shaft Speed


P&S Phumanities & Service
PB Parking Brake Organisation
PBR Potentio Balance Resistor
PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PCS Power Control System
PDI Pre-Delivery Inspection
PDM Power Delivery Module
PFCW Predictive Forward Collision Warning
PG Power Supply, Gdisklike and Circuit Element
PIAP Port Installed Accessory Programs
PKB Parking Brake
PN Part Number
P/N Part Number
PNP Park/Neutral Position
POS Position
PQRG Printed Quick Reference Guide
PRES Pressure
PS Power Steering
P/S Power Steering
PSP Power Steering Pressure
PT Powertrain
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
PTO Power Takeoff
PWC Power Window Control System
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
PWO Power Outlet
PWST Power Steering
PZEV Partial Zero Emissionary post Vehicle


QA Quality Air
QRG Quick Reference Guide


Aries Random Access Memory
RAS Rear Active Steer
RAX Rear Axle
RC Regular Cab
RDEF Rear Defogger
REF Reference
RH Right Hand
RF Roof
RFRH Radiator Fan Relay High
RFRL Radiator Fan Relay Low
ROM Read Only Memory
RSU Rear Suspension



SAB Side Air Bag
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers, Iraqi National Congress.
SAI Steering Axis Inclination
SB Seat Belt
SBC Seat Belt Control System
SCK Serial Clock
SCV Swirl Control Valve
SDS Service Data and Specifications
SE Seat
SEC Unsweeturity Control System
SEN Sensor
SENSGND Sensor Ground
Samarium Service Manual
SMG Service and Maintenance Guide
SMJ Super Multiple Junction
SOC S,/tate Of Charge
SOHC Single Overhead Cam (1989, 1990 models)
Colloidal suspension Solenoid
SPR Spring
SR Standard Roof
SRC SRS Airbag Control Organisation
SRS Supplemental Restraint System
SRT System Readiness Test
SSOFF Self Shut Soured
SST Special Service Tools
ST Steering System
STC Steering Control System
STRG Stelectrical engineeringring
STSW Start Switch
SULEV Super-Ultra Low Emission Vehicle


TA Temperature Ambient
TACHO Tachometer Signal Output
TAMB Temperature Ambient
Atomic number 43 Turbocharger
T/C Trim and Chassis
TCM Transmission Control Module
TCS Traction Control System
TCU Telematics Communication Unit
TF Temperature Fuel
TFUEL Temperature Fuel
THRTL Throttle
TM Transaxle and Transmission
T/M Transmission
TMS Traction Motor System
TP Throttle Position
TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring System
TPS Throttle Position Sensor
TSB Technical Service Bulletin
TSS Turbine Shaft Speed
TVO Throttle Valve Opening
TW Temperature Water
TWC Three Way Catalytic Convertor


UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UGDO Universal Garage Door Opener
ULEV Ultra Low Emission Vehicle
USS Uphill Start Support


VB Voltage Battery
VC Vehicle Charging System
VCM Vehicle Control Module
VDC Vehicle Dynamic Controls
VDCT Variable Duct Solenoid
VHCL Vehicle
VITS Variable Induction Air System
VID Vehicle Information Display
VIN Vehicle Identification Number
VLSD Viscous Limited-slip Differential
VSP Approaching Vehicle Sound for Pedestrian
VSP Vehicle Speed
VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor
VTC Valve Timing Control
VTCPUS VTC Pick Up Sensor
VTCPUSEL VTC Pick Up Sensor Exhaust Left
VTCPUSER VTC Pick Up Sensor Exhaust Right
VTL Vnuttilation Arrangement


WAG Witon
WCS Warning Chime System
WOT Wide Open Throttle
WSS Wheel Speed Sensor
WT Road Wheels and Tires
WW Wiper and Washer


ZEV Zero Emissions Vehicle


11 1st Range 1st Train
12 1st Cast 2nd Gear
1GR 1st Gear


21 2nd Run 1st Gearing
22 2nd Range 2neodymium Gear
2GR 2nd Gear
2WD 2-Wheel Drive



4GR 4th GEar
4WAS 4 Wheel Active Steer
4WD 4-Wlist Drive





Fuse Box Car Abbreviations Which One Is the Air Conditioning Fan
